Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Save the Net

The net is in danger and it needs our help. The following is from MoveOn.org
Please, go to MoveOn.org and sign the petition.

The following was taken from the MoveOn website;

On April 26, a congressional committee caved to companies like AT&T, voting to give them more control over what you do and see online.
Since then, Congress has seen a popular revolt: 250,000 petition signatures, thousands of phone calls, groups like MoveOn and Gun Owners of America working together for Internet freedom, 1,500 blogs rallying the public, and even actress Alyssa Milano supporting our efforts on her blog. Because of intense public pressure, some members of Congress have already switched publicly from AT&T's side to ours!

The House will vote on whether to preserve Internet freedom in early May, and a Senate vote will follow shortly after. Now's the time to turn up the heat.

Basically, what it comes down to is the more money you pay to the big guys (AT&T, Verizon, Comcast etc.) the faster a webpage loads, thus making it unfair to the little guys like us, the bloggers, the artists, the weirdos, the cartoonists, the people who make a living from their website, the people who believe in country founded on the basis of freedom.

If you think this wont affect you? Well, let me give you a scenario of what the web might be like if this law passes. Say you download an album from iTunes, well if this law stays in effect, Comcast could purposely slow down the speed of the download and even redirect to their own higher priced music service.

That's just one of the horrible situations that could take place if we don't eradicate this. I've been against quite a few things in my life that goverment has made us suffer through, the war, W, but this is something I will not tolerate.

Please, I beg of you. Go to MoveOn.org sign the petition, call congress, write about this in your blog. Do something. We must not let this happen. We've already screwed up things so much as it is, why screw this one up too?

UPDATE: here's a collection of links that you can use to help.

Key Links

Save the Net Now

MoveOn petition. (Please include - each signer will get future action items.)

Call Congress today.

Original MoveOn email describing the issue.

How gutting Net Neutrality affects regular people (Ipod users, Google users), and proof that telecom companies abuse their power.

Actress Alyssa Milano blogs on Internet freedom.

Our coalition MySpace profile – including a video explaining this issue (please include).

Coalition website (please include – mentioning our partners Gun Owners of America and Craig from Craigslist).

Coalition blog – good recent developments.

A key House committee already voted against Internet freedom. See if your representative is on this committee.

Find out where your representative stands.

Good Articles

"Gun Owners, Librarians Unite Against Bells," Telephony Online, April 24, 2006

"New Group Aims to ‘Save the Internet’" CNet News, April 24, 2006

"Average Joe And Saving The Internet," Webpronews.com, April 24, 2006  

"Net Losses," New Yorker, March 20, 2006

"Panel Vote Shows Rift Over 'Net Neutrality'" Los Angeles Times, April 27, 2006

"Save the Internet," Jeff Chester article on Alternet.org, April 27, 2006  

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