Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I’ve had it

I've had it up to here with Britney Spears! I mean seriously, all these websites -- Perez Hilton and the ilk -- can not stop talking about this washed out, drugged up, poor excuse of a singer (and mother) who has nothing better to do then complain about all the attention that gets.

The sick thing is you know she really would commit suicide if the press did stop talking about her.

I said to myself a long time ago that there I would-never-ever-in-a-million-years-even-if-the-world-exploded that I would write about them on my blog. It would just be adding fuel to the fire of their madness. They've become heroes of pop culture, all the while doing absolutely nothing to deserve their status. What she popped out some kids? Big deal! Wow, she can chain smoke and pound Red Bull? Mitch can do that any day of the week.

I seriously wish she would of taken that goddamn electric clipper and shaved out her eyeballs. And proceed to drink a whole jar of the blue juice they put the combs in.

Also, I wake up every day and pray that Pat O'Brien and all the "talent" over at Extra, E.T., Access Hollywood, The Insider, The Outsider, My Side, Myspace and every other T.V. show (I'm looking your way MSNBC and CNN) can talk about something other then Anna Nicole. It's a shame she died, but they're using tragedy for porfit.

Ok, rant over.

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