Friday, August 11, 2006

i often think…

I feel as if my eyes are about to explode out of sockets. Unleashing a massive aterial spray of blood and eye ball juice.

Yes, I am indeed very tired. But I must fight to stay awake, I must make sure that every thing I do in my life is documented. That's why I carry a Moleskine notebook with me 80% of the time.

I remember a long time ago, I made a post that I called a stream of conciousness type deal. Just what ever popped in to my head I let flow from my brain, down my arms, twisting arouond my wrists to my caloused finger tips, the slight clickity-clack of my white Apple keyboard, assures me that my thoughts are recorded as I realise them to be. My thoughts.

The inside of my kneed itches, not extremely, just enough to warrant the action of actually scratching my knee through my jeans. I often find that doing menial tasks is not worth the price of the expended energy.

Michael (my brother-in-law), slumbers in my bed, dreaming of bacon cheese fries and poker chips. Lila and Stefanie sit in comfort on our sectional talking shop, babies and houses. I sit in my office typing away my thoughts. Giving them away freely on the internet, giving away a piece of myself to every one who wishes to snatch it up for the own personal consumption.

Yes, I am tired.

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