Thursday, March 16, 2006

Getting Back On Track

I really need to start getting back on track. My writing habits have been so bad lately. When I first started this blog I was writing everyday, sometimes twice a day. Now, I'm lucky if I write once a month.

And that really depresses me to some extent. Why has this blog become a chore instead of something I enjoy? I remember I used to love to go out and find things to write about, and when I had an idea to write about something, I could not wait to type it out and share it with the online. I hate that I feel like I'm letting people down by not writing everyday. It's not easy to come up with something interesting everyday.

I suppose the problem is that I hate stupid posts like,

Dear Blog,

Today I ate grilled cheese and tomato soup then Mr. Whiskers made a poo-poo on the rug.

Stuff like that irrates the living fuck out of me, and yes I do know that 99.9% of blogs consist of the above mentioned ramblings, but I want to make a difference in the blogosphere (God, I hate that word). I know I'm not going to revolutinize the blogging community, but I want to make something worth reading. Something that has meaning.

Wow, when I go, I really go.

As I was writing this, I went back to re-read it for errors and I think I discovered my problem.

I always have a hard time coming up with an idea, but when I do I end up rambling on and on. I started this post as a simple little post to say that I needed to start writing again.

This post might sound like I'm bashing my blog, and I'm tottaly not, is one of the things I'm most proud of and I plan to continue with it until the day I die.

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