They say when you get married you're supposed to do 'adult things' and get rid of childish things, like your toys and games and all things considered fun.
Well, not me.
One thing I've always wanted when I was younger was an arcade cabinet. You see, I was addicted to Mortal Kombat II. I would go every other day to Jimmy's arcade and spend hours and hours playing MK I and II, Killer Instinct, Galaga. Basically, I love arcades. Also, the fact that arcades are pretty much dead put a halt to my fun.
So, when I discovered MAME a few years ago my world was turned upside down. The thought of thousands of games and my disposal made my fingers twitch. Playing all those games on a keyboard, however, sucked. Big time. Buying a controller was a step up, but still nowhere near the experience of the real thing. I wanted the real thing, bad, I wanted... a cabinet!
Which brings me to a few weeks ago when I stumbled upon 'Build Your Own Arcade Controls' and went through their examples page. There were some crazy dudes out there and I wanted to be one of them. I did the research and found a design I liked. I'm partial to the more modern arcade cabinets, like MK II and KI. So I found a design over at Arcade Paradise and got to work.
On a side note he did a REALLY good job on Arcade Paradise 3. You have to check it out.
So I headed out to Home Depot and bought three sheets of 3/4" MDF (Which is just a step up from particle board.) Three 2x4's, a couple boxes of screws, some L brackets and some 1x1's and it was time to let the games begin.
I also picked up a garbage disposer and a door, but that's beside the point.
After measuring and tracing out the plans I called up my Dad and asked if he could help me with the cutting the wood seeing as how I