Thursday, June 24, 2004

Who’s gonna be Professor X?

Well, it happened. The first real-life X-Man is born. Look!

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

GMail All Gone

Hey everybody, sorry but all my GMail invites are gone. I wish I could give one out to everyone who wanted one. But, I only got six invites total.

From what I hear though, GMail should be going public within the next two weeks. Keep your eyes peeled. In the meantime, check out The GMail machine for your chance to win an invite (All though it seems they're having problems with their servers right now.)

Sunday, June 20, 2004

One last invite

UPDATE -- All used up. Brian got that one, have fun!

Here's the last invite. Who ever clicks it first get a shiny new GMail account.Click here!

GMail Invite

UPDATE -- All gone, I gave out two invites. Jamie and Chad won the invites. Enjoy them!

I've been using GMail for the last week or so, and I love it. It's great. It's whoops Hotmail in the butt.

Yahoo! mail is also great, but there's just something about GMail that makes it cool. Maybe, it's just that I absolutely love Google. I don't know, maybe I just feel special that I got an invite. Well, now here's is your chance to feel just as special as me!

Google has handed me down Six invites since I first signed up. I've got three (3) left and I figured for my karma's sake. I'm gonna give out one invite.

The only thing you have to do is email me or leave a comment That's it. If you're the first person to email me, or leave a comment, I'll send you an invite. Simple. Right? Yes, of course.

So, just click Click here

Wednesday, June 9, 2004

Vintage is better.

I love playing guitar. It's one of my favorite rexlation techniques, if I'm stressed out, I just crank my amp and make noise.

Now, my brother, Vince, is learning to play guitar, and he's quite good for a beginner.

My favorite guitar maker is Fender. I love Fender guitars, don't get me wrong Gibson and ESP are awesome guitars. But, there's just something about a Fender that I really like. Their guitars are designed elegantly and with such simplicity and beauty. They play like a dream and, if you know what kind of mods to do to them, can produce a number of different tones.

My favorite Fender guitar, is my Reissue '62 Jaguar. It's a kick ass guitar. My brother has a reissue Competition Mustang. Two of Fender's coolest looking guitars, ever!

So today, I was looking at our guitars leaning up against my amp and said to my self 'Damn, those are some fine looking guitars.' So, I took some pictures.

Tuesday, June 8, 2004

I made it!

Heh, I made this. I made myself laugh for hours!

I'm a wizard man

Sunday, June 6, 2004

Saftey First

Today, I was going through the saftey manual of my new Passat. It's a pretty straightforward manual. Wear you seat-belt and don't speed type stuff. But, the best part is the pictures.

The pictures depict these weird half-human-half-zombie people. It's weird. But, just let me set one thing straight, they're all laughs.

So, I figured I'd share some of my favorites with you. On Internet.

<a href="/gallery/view_album.php?set_albumName=funny
wreck">Click here and laugh.

Thursday, June 3, 2004

What was the chef’s name from the Muppets?

Last night, Lila and I got bored and hungry and we each made our own meals.

Lila made home made bean burritos which where, by the way, excellent. She melted cheese in the beans. Really good.

I made Caprese and Bruschetta. Also very delicious if I do say so myself. In fact, I was so proud of it that I took pictures.

Click here to see!