So a new anit-spam bill gets passed. Though it still allows for some commercial spam to be legal, all false ads are considered illegal. So, major companies can still try to take my money, but "Jim" who runs a spam operation out of his parents basement, puts a subject of something along the lines of "Hey, check this out!" and just has pictures of dogs in cats in various sexual situations. His email is considered wrong and he could get the pants sued off him.
Which is really good idea, n theory, this should cut spam by my guess a third. Half would be wonderful, considering that half of the traffic on the internet is from scummy people sending out spam.
The real draw-back to the bill is that individuals are not allowed to sue the spammers. Larry Lessig had a plan where individuals could sue spammers themselves. Larry is so sure about his plan working that he bet his job that it'll work.
So two days ago, OS X Mail told me that I should switch my junk mail filtering from training to automatic. So I did and everything seems to be working good. Except last night I had a dream that two good pieces of mail got marked as junk.